281.997.3000 info@pearlandedc.com

Progress To Date

Focus Area 3.0: Site Development


3. Site Development

3.1 Position the Lower Kirby District and the SH 35 Corridor as priority areas for development

PEDC and the City are continually working with the Lower Kirby and Pearland #1 Management Districts and developers to implement recommendations in the Lower Kirby Urban Center Master Plan to better position the area for development. Recent efforts included the park and trails at Ivy at Lower Kirby and the pedestrian bridge across Clear Creek, the design of hardscape improvements to the median on North Spectrum, completion of the extension of South Spectrum and continuing to coordinate the implementation of regional detention in the district.

In 2021, PEDC launched a separate marketing website for the Lower Kirby area with additional information on the area, including notable employers, developments and available sites.

As part of the SH 35 Corridor Redevelopment Plan, PEDC continues working on various developments to address site infrastructure needs and attract primary employers along the corridor. Coordinating efforts in the Rice Drier redevelopment area, McHard/Main Business Park, 1613 Main Business Park, and Old Town SE Quadrant Infrastructure Improvements are all ongoing. The Bell Bottom site, Knapp Road, Alice Street, Shank Road, Industrial Drive and Business Park South are all areas being considered for redevelopment.



3.2 Proactively assemble and prepare sites to eliminate burdens related to acquisition and development

In 2021, PEDC engaged Marsh-Darcy to assist in examining potential development sites in the Lower Kirby and State Highway 35 North and South Business Parks to identify those sites with the highest potential for development. Staff continues to evaluate the sites for development potential and to work with developers on public-private partnerships for those sites. Currently, multiple partnerships are being developed to facilitate the acquisition and development of sites in Lower Kirby and SH 35.


3.3 Ensure that best-in-class infrastructure and amenities are in place to support site development

PEDC is working with the Lower Kirby Management District on the expansion of its regional detention system and the expansion of collector laterals to undeveloped parcels of land. On SH 35, the Rice Drier and Halik road reconstruction projects have been completed.

In August 2023, PEDC committed to allocating 20% of its annual sales tax revenue to qualified infrastructure recapitalization projects for redevelopment in targeted areas of the city. Industrial Drive and design began in 2023.