281.997.3000 info@pearlandedc.com

Plan Documents 


In 2019, the Pearland Economic Development Corporation (PEDC), along with local partners in government, education, healthcare, and business, embarked upon a collaborative community and economic development strategic planning process that will make the community a more prosperous, successful, and vibrant place to live, work, and do business. The first phase led to numerous successful outcomes for Pearland and its residents. In 2024 the plan was updated build upon the original plan and address the communities evolution since adoption  2020. 

The Pearland Prosperity Update was carried out through a three-phase process that began in July 2023 and will concluded in January 2024. It is led by the Pearland Prosperity Committee, a dynamic group of community leaders tasked with sharing their perspectives and insights, reviewing research and input findings, and making key decisions about the priorities and strategies that will define the updated strategy. The Pearland City Council, Pearland Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) Board of Directors, and Pearland Chamber Board of Directors are providing input and oversight throughout the process.

Phase 1: Research and Input

Successful economic development strategies are built upon a solid understanding of a community’s competitive opportunities and challenges. This phase blended existing research, stakeholder input, and new quantitative analysis to develop the Research Executive Summary document that highlights the most important competitive realities in Pearland and their implications for strategy development.

Phase 2: Strategy Development

This phase will result in the development of a next-level strategy for Pearland that blends ongoing initiatives that warrant continuation with new priority programs and investment. The strategy will establish priorities for partners in Pearland to pursue in the next five years. 

Phase 3: Implementation Guidelines

While the updated Pearland Prosperity strategy will determine “what” partners in Pearland will do strategically for the next five years, the Implementation Guidelines will prescribe “how” that will be accomplished. This phase will consider the costs, capacity, and workflows impacting implementation partners. The Implementation Guidelines will be developed in consultation with leaders from the PEDC, City of Pearland, Chamber and other partners that will play a direct role in activating the plan. 

The Pearland Prosperity Strategic Plan was approved by the plan’s steering committee on January 10, 2024, the PEDC Board of Directors on January 18, 2024, the Pearland Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors on January 26, 2024, and by City Council on February 12, 2024.