281.997.3000 info@pearlandedc.com

Progress To Date


Pearland Prosperity strategic plan update represents what the community will do in the next five years to achieve its Core Goal: “Pearland will be the community of choice for PEOPLE and BUSINESS in our region.”

Pearland is entering its third strategic implementation cycle in a position of strength following two highly successful strategic plans – Pearland 20/20 and the first iteration of Pearland Prosperity. Stakeholders had high praise for the implementation of the first Pearland Prosperity strategic plan. In an online survey for local leaders conducted as part of the “update” process, 95 percent of respondents said the initiative had either a “positive” or “very positive” impact on the community. And implementation partners made significant progress on 24 out of the plan’s 25 strategic initiatives.

While the Pearland community continues to make progress on the updates new 11 key initiatives, please see the pages below for the final progress update on the original focus areas of the Pearland Prosperity plan.  

1.0 Business Development

2.0 Business Formation and Early-Stage Growth

3.0 Site Development

4.0 Corridors

5.0 Infrastructure and Mobility

6.0 Quality of Life and Quality of Place

7.0 Workforce and Talent