281.997.3000 info@pearlandedc.com

Progress To Date

Focus Area 6.0: Quality of Life and Quality of Place


6. Quality of Life and Quality of Place

6.1 Pursue the development of dynamic, walkable, mixed-use districts

Multiple strategic development plans, such as for the SH35 and Broadway corridors and the Lower Kirby Urban Center, have been developed to influence and promote mixed use and walkable developments across the city. The Ivy at Lower Kirby public amenities were completed in 2021.


6.2 Advance catalytic “anchor” projects to support vibrant, mixed-use districts in Pearland

PEDC continually seeks opportunities to partner with private developers to advance the development of this future initiative for both an indoor amateur sports facility and a hotel + conference center.


6.3 Develop and implement the Parks and Multi-Modal Master Plans

In January 2021, the City adopted the 2020 Parks Recreation, Open Spaces and Trail Master Plan. In addition, the second phase of the Shadow Creek Sports Complex was completed in March 2022.

In April 2023, The Ed Thompson Inclusive Park opened as an addition to the Shadow Creek Sports Complex adjacent to The Miracle Field, which opened in 2019.

In August 2023, PEDC entered into an agreement with the City of Pearland to fund $17.6M for further construction of the Hickory Slough Sports Complex, plus funds for the ongoing operations and maintenance of the complex.

6.4 Diversify and maintain Pearland’s housing stock

PEDC and the City are working with Sullivan Brothers on a housing development project that will help facilitate a more walkable community in the Old Townsite.

Community Development will address this initiative with more detail in the new Comprehensive Plan update.