281.997.3000 info@pearlandedc.com

Progress To Date

Focus Area 5.0: Infrastructure and Mobility


5. Infrastructure and Mobility 

5.1 Advance the planning, design, and construction of priority road and highway projects

The City and PEDC are meeting regularly with TxDOT on the reconstruction and widening of Broadway/FM 518. Select priority road projects outlined in this initiative were submitted for funding in the call for projects in 2023.

5.2 Pursue federal, state, and local funding for transportation projects

The City has multiple major projects with state and federal funding either completed such as Hughes Ranch Road or currently underway such as McHard, Mykawa and Smith Ranch Road. The City is expecting a call for projects from H-GAC in 2023 and in March 2022, was awarded $2 million in Community Funding through Congressman Nehls for Smith Ranch Road reconstruction. The recently adopted federal infrastructure legislation will provide additional opportunities for funding.


5.3 Pursue near- and long-term options to expand transit connectivity to major employment centers

The City has entered into an agreement with H-GAC to perform a transit needs assessment and plan for the City to evaluate potential transit options. Development of the plan began in September 2021 and a survey to gather resident feedback was completed in April 2022.


5.4 Advance infrastructure projects that improve drainage and stormwater management in Pearland

The City is currently working with Harris County Flood Control and BDD#4 on the $295 million Clear Creek project. The City, in partnership with BDD #4, is requesting state funds for realignment and reconstruction of the lower and middle segments of the Hickory Slough drainage channel. In addition, the City has seven smaller drainage projects funded by recent voter approved bonds and state funds in areas such as Mimosa Acres, West Lea, Willowcrest and Woody Road.

In February 2022, City Council approved a Citizens Drainage Bond Committee to review and evaluate potential projects and debt service tax implications for a future City Drainage Bond Referendum.

A dedicated Drainage Maintenance Fund was added to the City’s general fund for FY 2023.

The City, Brazoria County DD4 and PEDC are all cooperating on a Master Drainage Plan update.
